Privacy Policy


At Anicura Limited we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. This privacy policy (together with our Terms and Conditions) explains in detail the types of personal data we may collect from you, or that you provide us with. It also explains how we store data, handle data and keep your data safe.

We are aware this privacy policy is a very lengthy document, but we want to make sure you are fully aware or what your rights are and how we make sure to keep your data safe. If you have any questions, please contact us either on or +44 (0) 208979 3592.

By visiting (“our site”) you are accepting and consenting to all described in this privacy policy. From time to time we might need to update this Policy notice, we will make sure to notify you if we do.


When you shop at you submit your personal information to Anicura Ltd. For the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) the data controller is Anicura Ltd., 5-6 Crescent Stables, London, SW15 2TN.


We collect your data when you visit our website or phone us to place an order,, and when you use your account to purchase our products.

We also collect your data when you place an order on our website and check out as a guest. We may furthermore collect data when; you create an account with us, you interact with us on our social media channels, when you contact us via email, when you ask us to send you information via email, when you enter competitions that we run or when you fill in any surveys we may send you.


We may collect, use and store different kinds of personal data. Let us go over them one by one. Firstly, we collect data related to your identity, which includes first name, maiden name, last name, username, title, date of birth or gender. We also may collect personal details which will help us recommend items of interest, for example if you indicate you suffer from eczema, we would recommend specific products for that skin condition. However, providing this information is optional.

Secondly, any contact data, including billing and delivery address, email address and phone numbers. Additionally, we would collect any order data, including order confirmation, receipts and previous orders.

We collect details of your visit to our website and from which source you came to find us.

We also collect any technical data to ensure we provide you with the best possible website experience. This technical data includes your login data, the browser type and version you use and your IP address. We also collect how you use our website, which pages you clicked on during your visit and any search terms you entered.

Certain parts of our site uses “cookies” to keep track of your visit and to help you navigate between sections. A cookie is a small data file that certain websites store on your computer’s hard drive when you visit them. They can contain information such as your user ID and the pages you have visited. The only personal information a cookie contains is information you have supplied yourself.

We use cookies on the website to enable us to deliver content specific to your interests and get an idea of which parts of the Website you are visiting. Our cookies do not read data from your computer’s hard drive or read cookies created by other websites you have visited. This means your visit will be tracked, but that to all intents and purposes you remain anonymous.

If you do not want your visit to the website to be tracked by our cookies, you can set your internet browser and/or firewall to disable them. Unfortunately, this may have a negative effect on your use of the Website. Please refer to your internet browser help file to see how to disable cookies on your PC.

Anicura uses anonymous cookies to track information on your browsing history on, and third-party advertising networks, such as Google and Facebook, use the information to serve ads to you on Anicura’s behalf on other sites throughout the Internet.

We also collect any data in which you indicate your preferences in receiving marketing from us. Our website may include third-party websites. Clicking on those links may allow these websites to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third-party websites so please make sure to check their privacy policies.


We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to do so, but the most important reason we do so is because we have a legitimate business interest to want to provide you with the best possible service and experience when using our website.

When purchasing a product from our website we enter into a contract with you and we want to make sure we provide you with the product you have requested from us.

By collecting your data it is also legitimate business interest to make sure we update you on any developments at Anicura, for example any new products we introduce, any discounts or promotions we offer, or making sure to recommend the best possible products for you, based on what we know about you. With your consent we will keep you informed via email, our website, text, post or telephone.

We also use your data to ensure we keep up to date with any improvements we can make to the website to make sure your experience with the website stays as pleasant as possible.

We use your data to protect our business and also your account from fraud and other illegal activities, like fraudulent transactions. This includes using your personal data to maintain, update and safeguard your account.

You are free to opt out of hearing from us via any of the channels that we use to reach out to you.


We do share your personal information with trusted third parties in order to make sure we fulfil our obligations towards you. This includes to our order fulfilment partner, delivery couriers, fraud management partners or payment gateways.

We only provide them with the information required to fulfil their obligations. They are only to use your data for the purposes they are to fulfil contractually. If they were to ever misuse your data we will take appropriate actions against this.

Other third parties we work with are software systems that allow us to run our website, communication software for email marketing, social media partners or other direct marketing companies. Again, if at any point there is a misuse of personal data we will take appropriate actions against this third party. Please also always notify us if you have any requests or would like withdraw your consent.


We will not store or process your data outside of the United Kingdom or European Economic Area (EEA). For all non-UK/EEA customers, by using our site you consent to the processing of your data by Anicura. This privacy policy will therefore apply to you as well. Additionally as such, you are always free to opt out of hearing from us.

In order for us to offer you the best service we can provide, we also work with service providers from other parts of the world. This means that the data we collect sometimes needs to be transferred, stored and used by companies operating outside the EEA. Please know that we have put appropriate measurements in place to ensure your data is protected and safely used in the same way it would be if being used within the EEA. level of security for the processing carried out in these countries, such that data is protected in the same way as if it was being used within the EEA.


This site uses cookies – small text files that are placed on your machine to help the site provide a better user experience. In general, cookies are used to retain user preferences, store information for things like shopping carts, and provide anonymized tracking data to third party applications like Google Analytics. Cookies generally exist to make your browsing experience better. However, you may prefer to disable cookies on this site and on others. The most effective way to do this is to disable cookies in your browser. We suggest consulting the help section of your browser.


    Keeping your data secure is of utmost importance to us and we have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your data from being misused or accessed in an unauthorised way. Additionally, these measures have been put in place to ensure they do not accidentally get lost, altered or disclosed. We furthermore limit access to your personal data only to those who have a reason to be involved with it and in doing so are bound to strict confidentiality.


    We will only keep your personal information for as long as you are a customer of Anicura limited, and for a period of time afterwards if you stop doing so.

    In order for us to determine the appropriate amount of time we take a few things into consideration, like the amount and nature of personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use of your data and/ or any other reasons that legally oblige us to keep basic information of customers – for example for tax reasons.


    You have the right to access a copy of the personal information we hold about you, free of charge in most cases. You have the right to request any correction in the personal information we hold about you. You can request for your personal data to be deleted.

    You can withdraw consent for us to use your data for direct marketing purposes via any of the communication channels that use to inform and update you. You can unsubscribe following the link provided in any of the emails we send you. Alternatively you can always email or call us indicating your preferences either via +44 (0) 20 8979 3592 or

    You may request for to stop transferring your data to any relevant and before mentioned third party. Please be aware that withdrawing this consent might limit our ability to provide you with the best possible service.


    When placing an order on our site currently, you automatically get subscribed to our email marketing, also when placing an order as a guest. Please know that we are planning on relaunching our website within the next 3 months and will change this to allow you to actively opt out of any email marketing whilst placing an order.


    If you feel that we have not handled your personal data correctly, please contact us directly via our email address or our phone number +44 (0) 20 8979 3592. However, if you feel we did not handle your complaint appropriately you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

    You can contact them by calling 0303 1231113
    Or go online to a


    If any of the above is unclear or if you have any additional questions, please make sure to contact us via or +44 (0) 20 8979 3592.
    You can also send us post mail to the following address
    5-6 Crescent Stables, London, SW15 2TN